Califone Audio for Interactive Lessons
Posted by Keirsten Dungan on 6th Mar 2014
Califone Tap Into Your Students' Sense of Hearing and Use Audio to Create Interactive Lessons for Your Classroom
At the ISTE conference in Philadelphia, held the week of June 27th, one workshop in particular titled “Boards and Bloom’s: Creating, Evaluating, Analyzing, and Applying with Whiteboards”, presented by Technology in Motion Specialist Elizabeth Sessions, used the Titanium™ HPK-1010 headset to do just that. The workshop demonstrated how teachers can increase and encourage students’ use of higher order thinking skills by designing lessons using whiteboards and resources such as headsets for engaging students at different levels of learning.
The headsets were used to create audio clip files to later import them to a Smart Notebook template so that interactive student lessons can be implemented in the classroom with whiteboards. Shared Elizabeth: “The use of the HPK-1010 was perfect and worked out great as we didn’t have to set anything up. All of the participants were responsive and able to get right to work without any issues. The sound was great!” Being able to use the headsets in conjunction with other design elements for the whiteboards can help educators see how easy they are to use to create audio and integrate whiteboard use in the classroom more effectively to broaden students’ horizons. Applying interactive whiteboards for student-centered lessons allows for differentiated instruction tailored for students at every level, with differing interests and learning styles, and those involved in different activities to satisfy curriculum standards. Students can be more willing to actively participate and engage in interactive lessons when it involves the use of the whiteboards coupled with audio.
“The use of the HPK-1010 was perfect and worked out great as we didn’t have to set anything up. All of the participants were responsive and able to get right to work without any issues. The sound was great!”
Recording and creating audio files with a headset doesn’t just have to be for use with an interactive whiteboard. There are other ways to incorporate audio into your day-to-day classroom lessons and integrating programs such as VoiceThread, which allows you and your students to create and share actual conversations with fellow students and professionals from around the world. Communicating with their peers in this interactive way offers your students the chance to learn about other cultures, the differences in their schooling and about the world in general.
Using a headset, audio files can be recorded and included in a multimedia slide show that can also feature images, documents, videos, and vocalized audio comments. For the music enthusiasts, an interactive program like GarageBand, which functions as a digital audio workstation, can help them hone their musical abilities and master their vocal skills by using a headset for recording and playback of several audio tracks. After all, practice makes perfect and the more your students can take advantage of creating digital audio the more confident and knowledgeable they’ll be with their musical achievements.