
Califone Mobile Learning for K12

Posted by Quinn Repp on 5th Mar 2014

Califone Mobile Audio Learning for K12 Education allows for easy listening without audio chaos in the classroom. claims that 2013 was the year that mobile devices surpassed PCs to become the most common Web access tools. They also project that by 2015, more than 80% of handsets will be smartphones.

Headset enables listening and speaking into mobile devicesTo determine the mobile view for K-12 education, we can look to the new Project Tomorrow data, which reveals that 89% of today’s high school students have access to internet-connected smart phones. As do 50% of students in grades 3-5.

While 50% of high schoolers have access to tablets and 60% have access to laptops, it is smartphones and tablets that are leading the growth in schools for mobile devices. As the cost of these mobile devices decrease, ownership levels are increasing to the point that some network services are telling schools and districts they should be preparing their networks not just for the online testing of Common Core. The report shared in the future each student will conceivably have up to three mobile devices in school.

Although it’s likely that classrooms will continue to have laptops, it’s also likely that the majority of the internet-connected devices will be smartphones and tablets as the mobile devices of choice. Although there is a mix of district-owned and personally owned devices in schools today, it’s likely that school networks will host both school-owned and personally owned mobile devices. New cloud-based networks can easily control the access and security of different devices and platforms.

All of those devices in classrooms would mean audio chaos without headsets. The industry leading Califone To Go™headsets enable schools and districts to extend trusted and classroom-tested audio technology to the increasing number of mobile devices. These industry-leading headsets are the first to meet the specific speaking, listening, and language development ELA standards. They also are compatible with mobile devices of every kind including iPad®, iPhone®, iPod®, Chromebooks®, Android®, Kindle®, Nook®, and other ereaders. They offer sizing to accommodate even PreK students with the expanding line of Listening First Headsets.

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Delivery Options

Dock to Dock:

The driver will unload onto your loading dock or your staff to unload from the end of the truck. 

Lift Gate:

To get the products to ground level and your staff would bring inside.

Lift gate and Inside:

Door must be a minimum of 52” wide.

This is for Ground Floor Door Delivery – NO steps.