
Check Out These 5 Unique Vending Machines We Wouldn’t Mind in Schools!

24th Apr 2014

From our friends at

Vending machines have a reputation for high prices and unhealthy choices. In my opinion, they’re a last resort for sustenance when trapped somewhere hellish: like a crappy hotel or an airport. A captive audience means vending machine companies can charge a premium for “foods” like potato chips and soft drinks–items that cost pennies to make and are chock full of toxic ingredients.

Marketing these items in schools has become a particular health threat, with the number of vending machines placed in educational institutions more than tripling in the past 30 years. In a school, soda and snack companies not only have a captive audience, they also have an uneducated and rebellious one that’s more than willing to trade their lunch money for cookies and pop instead of whatever’s coming out of the cafeteria. In schools where vending machines are restricted or banned,adolescents are less likely to be obese.

There’s nothing wrong with the convenience or autonomy of vending machines in schools, just the empty calories they tend to dispense. But what if vending machines could actually join the fight against childhood obesity? Or what if we thought even bigger–placing vending machines that would expand minds instead of waistlines? Here are 5 unique vending machines that DO belong in schools:

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Delivery Options

Dock to Dock:

The driver will unload onto your loading dock or your staff to unload from the end of the truck. 

Lift Gate:

To get the products to ground level and your staff would bring inside.

Lift gate and Inside:

Door must be a minimum of 52” wide.

This is for Ground Floor Door Delivery – NO steps.