
MakerSpace Tables with Fenix Top

4 of 4 Items
  • ESTO Rectangle Table with High Pressure Laminate on Baltic Birch - CEF ESTO Rectangle Table with High Pressure Laminate on Baltic Birch - CEF CEF ESTO Caster Colors ESTO Rectangle Table with High Pressure Laminate on Baltic Birch - CEF

    ESTO Rectangle Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF

    ESTO Rectangle Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF The ESTO Rectangle Table is a great addition to any classroom, makerspace, or collaborative place where activities are the focal point! This unique shape allows for easy group collaboration...

    MSRP: $826.00
  • ESTO Hourglass Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF CEF Esto Caster Colors ESTO Hourglass Table Configurations - CEF ESTO Hourglass Student Desk with Book Box - CEF

    ESTO Hourglass Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF

    ESTO Hourglass Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF The ESTO Hourglass Table is a great addition to any classroom, makerspace, or collaborative place where activities are the focal point! This unique shape allows for easy group collaboration among...

    MSRP: $1,234.00
  • ESTO Hyve Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF ESTO Hyve Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch, shown with chairs - CEF CEF Esto Caster Colors ESTO Hyve Configuration Ideas - CEF ESTO Hyve Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch, side view - CEF

    ESTO Hyve Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF

    ESTO Hyve Table with FENIX on Baltic Birch - CEF The ESTO Hyve Table is a great addition to any classroom, makerspace, or collaborative place where activities are the focal point! This unique shape allows for easy group collaboration among students...

    MSRP: $1,356.00
4 of 4 Items

Delivery Options

Dock to Dock:

The driver will unload onto your loading dock or your staff to unload from the end of the truck. 

Lift Gate:

To get the products to ground level and your staff would bring inside.

Lift gate and Inside:

Door must be a minimum of 52” wide.

This is for Ground Floor Door Delivery – NO steps.