STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has been a part of the educational vocabulary for quite some time now and has recently been fully embraced by educators, administrators, parents, and students. STEM is a curriculum driven by problem solving, exploration, and discovery while incorporating technology and engineering into the teaching of science and mathematics. Today’s Classroom carries a number of products that fit perfectly into the STEM classroom specifically because these materials promote exploratory learning, and they often require students to actively engage themselves to discover the solution to the situation or problem at hand.
What is STEM?
STEM is an approach to learning that focuses heavily on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math topics. The knowledge in these subjects are steadily declining in America. This new STEM initiative that is being implemented in many schools will help aid in the restorations of children’s knowledge in these subjects.
STEM education (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) has been a part of the educational vocabulary for quite some time now and has recently been fully embraced by educators, administrators, parents, and students. STEM is a curriculum driven by problem solving, exploration, and discovery while incorporating technology and engineering into the teaching of science and mathematics. Today’s Classroom carries a number of products that fit perfectly into the STEM classroom specifically because these materials promote exploratory learning, and they often require students to actively engage themselves to discover the solution to the situation or problem at hand.
The implementation of STEM into the classroom has evidence based studies showing that implementation of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM Programs) helps improve logic and practical implementation of the material being learned. Educators agree that older methods of teaching are not working for the material being taught today. They are working to implement new programs with different styles of teaching to help aid in the different styles of learning that many children have.
Another important concept of the STEM program is the type of environment being used. To be able to engage in this new style of learning, the classroom needs to be able to be reconfigured quickly and uniquely based on the lesson being taught. STEM may require large group work, small group work and other collaborative work. New classroom furniture is being developed to help with this collaborative style being implemented in the classroom.
Many of these collaborative desks can configure into well-formed tight circles when gathered together. This allows for a more intimate group and encourages equal participation in the group activities. These desks are also great for small group configurations as well as to be used as individual student desks. Successful STEM environments must be easily adaptable, flexible, mobile and ergonomic.
Larger collaboration tables are available for larger groups and are more convenient for multimedia projects, allowing entire groups to visualize the screen, aiding in learning and teaching techniques.
New M7 Vision Color Marker Board Tables are also a great way to incorporate STEM into the classroom. These bright colored tables are Common Core compliant allowing for easy, quick correction of peers or instructors, and the dry-erase surface encourages interaction, engagement and learning. Implementing color into the classroom makes learning more enjoyable and tends to make students more attentive to what they are learning.
New storage units are being designed to hold equipment and art supplies for STEM classrooms. The units are mobile allowing for classrooms to share units as well as to move them throughout the classroom for easier access by the students. They come equipped with multiple bin storages spaces to keep things easily accessible and organized. They allow for both large and small art supplies to be stored. Some also come with a marker board attached to easily display assignments or listing what supplies are available in each specific cart.
Not only is STEM becoming more popular in the classroom, but so is Augmented Reality. Presentations and lessons are becoming more interactive with the use of Augmented Reality systems. They allow for 3D visualization and hands on exhibits to be utilized for lessons. Many new applications involving 3D Augmented Reality are being developed and made available to educators who are incorporating STEM into their classrooms.
The driver will unload onto your loading dock or your staff to unload from the end of the truck.
To get the products to ground level and your staff would bring inside.
Door must be a minimum of 52” wide.
This is for Ground Floor Door Delivery – NO steps.