
Tablet Arm Desks

Tablet Arm desks are great classroom furniture for when your students will be doing a lot of writing. They offer support (for right handed writers) when writing and come with a chair attached like a combination desk so that you don't need to buy chairs for your classroom separately making them an affordable option. We have options for tablet arm desks that include a bookrack and others without a book rack as well as tablet arm desks that are on wheels for a more collaborative work environment. If you need help deciding which is best for your school classroom please contact us and we can help you make the right decision. 

30 of 44 Items
30 of 44 Items

Delivery Options

Dock to Dock:

The driver will unload onto your loading dock or your staff to unload from the end of the truck. 

Lift Gate:

To get the products to ground level and your staff would bring inside.

Lift gate and Inside:

Door must be a minimum of 52” wide.

This is for Ground Floor Door Delivery – NO steps.